Friday, 22.10.2021.
Regional Workshop – Testing the Training Methodology on Combating Smuggling of Migrants and Protecting the Rights of Migrants
In the period 18-20 October 2021, Group 484 organised a regional workshop on combating the smuggling of migrants and protecting their rights. During the workshop, national training teams from Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, and Kosovo* had the opportunity to test the training methodology drafted and presented during the Regional Instructor Training Meeting through practical work and simulation.
During the workshop, teams, composed of a public prosecutor, a police officer, bodies responsible for the care of migrants and NGO representatives, prepared for the upcoming training at the national level, but also developed mutual cooperation with regards to their roles and areas of expertise, emphasising key messages from other instructors.
The workshop was conducted within the regional EU project “Security for Human Beings and Borders-Combating Smuggling of Migrants in the Western Balkans”, in line with the rules relevant to the MARI Initiative.