Wednesday, 02.08.2023.
Inclusion of Foreigners in the Western Balkans – Access to Social and Economic Rights (FOSTER)
In cooperation with 7 civil society organisations, gathered in the Balkan Council for Refugees and Migration (BRMC) and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), Group 484 started the implementation of a regional project called “Inclusion of Foreigners in Western Balkans – Access to Social and Economic Rights (FOSTER)”.
According to EU reports, the situation in the Western Balkans region is still marked by significant shortcomings in meeting key political criteria. The region is in the early stages of preparing for freedom of movement of workers and access to the labour market. With the “Open Balkans” initiative and the Berlin process, migration movements within the region are expected to intensify. However, although institutional and legislative frameworks for the protection and promotion of human rights and freedoms and protection against discrimination have been developed and are largely aligned with EU legislation, ensuring equal opportunities in practice, especially for foreigners and marginalised groups, remains a challenge.
The organisations implementing the project will, with their previous experience and long-term cooperation, contribute to strengthening the capacities of civil society organisations and independent institutions for human rights to contribute to the process of policy making, improving, and protecting the human rights of foreigners and their inclusion in the sustainable social and economic development of the Western Balkans.
CSOs will be empowered with knowledge and skills for the preparation and implementation of national and regional projects and advocacy materials, to improve the social and economic rights of vulnerable foreigners.