The Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) is the only tool that measures migrant integration policies in 52 countries on five continents: Europe, Asia, North and South America and Oceania. The fifth edition of MIPEX, led by the Migration Policy Group (MPG) and the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB), covers the period from 2014 to 2019. It is a comprehensive tool whose data and information can be used to develop policies, change proposals and projects to achieve equality in countries. Different indicators create a multidimensional picture of migrants’ opportunities to participate in society, related to 8 areas: labour market mobility, education, family reunification, participation in political life, permanent residence, access to citizenship, anti-discrimination and health.
The MIPEX survey for Serbia was conducted by Group 484 in cooperation with MPG from Brussels.
According to MIPEX indicators, Serbia advanced by +5 points in the period from 2014 to 2019, following the international reform trends of other MIPEX countries (+2 points on average), and is the country that has achieved the greatest progress among the Western Balkan countries. In the future, further harmonisation of legislation with international standards should be expected, primarily in the field of participation in political life, access to Serbian citizenship. In addition, further development of the normative and strategic framework of migrant integration policies should be monitored by observing the needs for targeted programmes of inclusion in the migrant labour market.
More about the MIPEX results for Serbia is available in the attached report.