Long-lasting cooperation between Embassy of Norway and Group 484 resulted in a new joint project “Support to Migrant and Local Communities in Serbia, Montenegro, and North Macedonia“ which will be implemented in the period October 2019-October 2021.
The Project’s planned effect on society is the position of migrants in Serbia, Montenegro, and North Macedonia in full compliance with international human rights standards.
At the beginning of 2020, the Norwegian Embassy has once again recognized the urgency of the situation and provided additional funding to be used to support civil society organizations in providing humanitarian assistance to vulnerable groups, as well as facilitating access to services impeded by restrictive measures caused by COVID 19 epidemic in Serbia, Montenegro, and North Macedonia.
Granted projects are available here.
The priority of this support will be assistance to local communities. Some of the activities we will support in the upcoming period are the provision of food, hygiene packages for the most vulnerable categories of residents, organization of volunteer support groups in day-care centers, soup kitchens, as well as the procurement and distribution of necessary hygiene supplies, etc.
The contractual agreement between the Embassy of Norway and Group 484 is available here, as well as Addendum.