Saturday, 20.02.2016.
Learning Together
In cooperation with “Rex” Cultural Centre, B92 Fund and the Swedish Institute Creative Force Programme, within the project Corners of Europe, we organised a three-day meeting of associates, educators, teachers, activists, artists, volunteers, representatives of state institutions and nongovernmental organisations gathered around the initiative to improve the quality of work in homes for children and youth and schools with new cultural practices. Titled “Learning Together: new cultural practices in children’s homes and schools”, we worked in Belgrade and Bela Crkva on February 16-18, 2016.
The first two days the seminar was held at Rex CC in Belgrade with two host teams. One team was led by Pernilla Glaser, an expert in methods and techniques that strengthen children’s capacity for learning and development. (Pernilla Glaser has extensive international experience, works at the University College of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm, trains teachers and educators to work with children through very specific, creative and pedagogical models.)The second team was led by cartoonist Aleksandar Zograf and Dragan Protic from “Škart” Art Collective. The seminar included presentations, workshops and film screenings.
On the third day there was a round table “Support for new cultural practices in homes for children and youth and schools” in “Vera Radivojević” Home for Children and Youth in Bela Crkva. The following associates talked and answered the questions about the experiences and challenges in providing support for children from vulnerable groups, as well as the introduction of new and diverse cultural and artistic practices in working with children: Sanja Miloradović, Advisor at the Republic Institute for Social Protection; Dimitrije Tadić, coordinator for contemporary visual arts and multimedia and Head of the Desk Creative Europe Serbia from the Ministry of Culture and Information; Dragana Jovanović Arias, representative of the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Team; Branislav Dimitrijević, art historian and Pernilla Glaser, educator and methodologist.
Dragan Protić from “Škart” Art Collective presented the results of the seminar participants.
Dragoljub Sekulović, director of “Vera Radovojević” Home, Milica Božić Marojević from “Jelena Šantić” Foundation and Milica Pekić from the Independent Culture Scene of Serbia also talked about their experiences.
Everybody’s favourite was the performance of the theatre and choral group “Children from the Moon” and the play “Here I am and I am important, too”. Members of the group were children – protégés of “Vera Radivojevic” Home and they were prepared by “Škart” Art Collective.