Saturday, 21.05.2016.
Conference “Protection of Migrants and Refugees from Discrimination in the Context of European Integration of the Republic of Serbia ”
The conference entitled “Protection of Migrants and Refugees from Discrimination in the Context of European Integration of the Republic of Serbia ”, was organized by the Group of 484, on May 20th 2016 in Belgrade as part of the project PROACTION – Protection against Discrimination of Asylum Seekers and Unaccompanied Child Migrants, financed by EU and co-financed by the Office for Cooperation with Civil Society of the Republic of Serbia, which is jointly implemented by Group 484, Praxis and the International Commission of jurists – European institutions (ICJ EI).
Conference was opened by Nenad Ivanisević, State Secretary in the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs of Republic of Serbia, Suzana Paunovic, Director of the Office for Human and Minority Rights of the Republic of Serbia, Zarko Stepanovic a. d. of the Office for Cooperation with Civil Society of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Kosana Beker, Assistant of Commissioner for Protection of Equality, Nicolas Bizel, Head of Operations I of the EU Delegation in Serbia, Massimo Frigo, legal advisor from International Commission of Jurists – European Institutions (ICJ EI), Ivanka Kostic, Executive Director of PRAXIS and Vladimir Petronijevic, executive director of the Group 484.
Following the conference, representatives of relevant state bodies, domestic civil society organizations and and international organizations discussed about the established system of primary reception of migrants and refugees in the period the migrant-refugee crisis as well as monitoring implementation of economic and social rights from the viewpoint of Chapter 23 – judiciary and basic rights.
Simultaneously, representatives of Praxis discussed about discrimination against migrants and refugees, the results of the analysis of decisions of misdemeanor courts in initiated misdemeanor proceedings and identified areas for improvement of the anti-discrimination protection of migrants and refugees in the Republic of Serbia.
PROJECT: PROACTION – Protection against Discrimination of Asylum Seekers and Unaccompanied Child Migrants
OBJECTIVE: Build trust and sensitise the local community for understanding the situation of asylum seekers and migrants
IMPLEMENTERS: Group 484 (educational program “We and the Others”, Centre for Migration)
SUPPORT: European Union Delegation in Serbia, Office for Cooperation with Civil Society of the RS