Monday, 03.07.2017.
Conference “Migration along the Western Balkans Route: Beyond the Crisis – Case of Serbia”
Group 484 and the Belgrade Office of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), organized a conference on “Migration along the Western Balkans Route: Beyond the Crisis – Case of Serbia”, which was held in in Belgrade, “Metropol Palace” hotel, on June 28, 2017.
This gathering brought together national stakeholders dealing with the care and / or treatment of migrants in the Republic of Serbia, involved in the process of defining asylum and migration policies of the Republic of Serbia.
After the opening panel, opened by Vladimir Petronijević, Executive Director of Group 484 and Ivana Račić, Program Coordinator at Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Office in Belgrade, the first panel dealt with the challenges in regulating the status of refugees and migrants in the Republic of Serbia. Next, second panel was followed by a discussion about further steps in providing access to rights of refugees and migrants with representatives of relevant institutions, international and national organisations. Moreover, the third panel was dedicated to the role of local governments in accepting refugees and migrants, as well as current challenges in their work.
The final part of the round table presented the results of discussions held within the panels and defined findings and proposals for further improvement of the position of migrants and refugees.